Privacy Policy

CURE respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your Personal Data. Our Privacy Policy details the information we collect, how it is used, how we protect it, and who we share it with. Our Policy also outlines your privacy rights and legal protections.


    1. General Policy
    2. Why do we collect your Personal Data?
    3. What Personal Data do we collect about you
    4. How we collect your Personal Data
    5. How we use your Personal Data
    6. When we share your Personal Data
    7. How do we keep your Personal Data safe?
    8. How can I unsubscribe?
    9. How does CURE use cookies?
    10. Updating the Privacy Policy
    11. Terms and Conditions
    12. Contact Details

General Policy:

CURE Action Fund has a firm commitment to internet privacy. You can visit most portions of CURE Action Fund’s website ( without telling us who you are and without revealing any personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”). The only information we collect from a normal website visit is information that cannot be used to specifically identify you (“Non-Personal Data”), which usually includes the name of your internet service provider, the browser and type of machine you are using, the website that referred you to us, the pages you request and the date and time you request them.

Why do we collect your Personal Data?

CURE Action Fund is an organization that protects and restores resilient towns and landscapes by harnessing the power of people who care about them. The participation of people like you is crucial to achieving our mission. We are stronger when we collaborate and work together. Bringing people together is critical to how we make a difference. Staying in touch with our supporters and website users at the right time, in the right way, and with the right information is vital to our success and to the mobilization of our diverse team and its ability to make an impact.

To this end, we collect information about you that helps us:

  • Communicate with you effectively and mobilize our members (including showing you campaigns and other content that are most likely to matter to you);
  • Keep the CURE Action Fund network thriving and effective and to extend our reach.
  • Promote and fund our campaigns and petitions and maximize their impact.
  • Have our voice heard with the media.

All of which serve our mission of bringing people together.

What Personal Data do we collect about you?

On some parts of the website, we encourage you to voluntarily share Personal Data with us. That’s because we can’t build our grassroots movement that can hold our leaders accountable to science and justice without supporters like you. By voluntarily providing us with Personal Data, you are consenting to our use of it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

When we say “Personal Data” we mean any information about you from which you can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We may collect, use, store and transfer various kinds of Personal Data about you which we have grouped together as follows:

  • Identity Data includes first name, last name, username or similar identifier, title, identification number.
  • Contact Data includes email address, telephone numbers, location, country, language preference.
  • Donation Data includes details about donations from you, including the amount, currency, and method of payment. We do not store your credit card information or banking details except for the expiration date and the last four digits of your card number, so we can refer to it when reminding you that expiration is imminent.
  • Technical Data includes internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website, together with information about the device(s) used.
  • Profile Data includes your username and password if you have created an account
  • User Record Data includes information you have voluntarily provided about your interests, preferences, feedback, survey responses, comments, personalized messages from you, public comments submitted, and your response to any polls or surveys. We also keep records of each time you complete a campaign action, whenever you subscribed or unsubscribed to a mailing list, whether you acted in response to a mailing, social media, or through another source, details of phone calls with you, and any other information you share when you take any action with CURE, online or otherwise;
  • Volunteer Data includes information about whether you are interested in volunteering, and, if so, what types of activities you would like to be involved in.
  • Usage Data includes information about how you use our website and also how you engage with our content (below under “Data relating to Updates and Email Tracking” for more information.
  • Mailing Data includes mailings between us (including date/timestamp of mailing, content of mailing, language of mailing, topic categories).
  • Communications Data includes your preferences in receiving communications from us and, where applicable, your opt-in to receive such communications.

We may also collect:

  • Your third-party authentication status if you visit the website (i.e. whether you are presently logged into Facebook or other social media accounts).
  • Data relating to Updates and Email Tracking: If you sign up to receive updates from CURE Action Fund, we will strive to provide you with accurate and timely information about our campaign activities. In order to improve our engagement with our supporters, we may track whether the emails we send to you are being opened, and other related information such as when and whether the links they contain are being clicked, whether you sign or share petitions, and of the people you shared with who also go on to sign our petitions. Communications will come to you from CURE Action Fund.
  • Images, photographs, or video you upload to the site.

We also collect from all visitors:

  • Technical information about your use of the website, browser type and version, and operating system

We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you (save as detailed in the next paragraph). This includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data, nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences, except where the processing is required or permitted by applicable law, or we have obtained your prior explicit consent.

Since achieving our mission involves many aspects — environmental, social justice, economical, political — some of the Personal Data that you share about yourself and your interest in these areas may relate to your political opinions and voting intentions.

We also collect, use, and share Aggregated Data (see further below, under “How we use your Personal Data).


If you are under the age of 13, you must ask your parent/guardian for their consent before submitting your Personal Data to this site. If we have reason to believe that someone is underage and we have collected their Personal Data without proper consent, we will delete that information in a reasonable period of time.

How we collect your Personal Data

We mostly collect Personal Data directly from you when you voluntarily provide such information, such as when you:

  • “Join In” via our website.
  • contact us with inquiries.
  • sign up to a newsletter or mailing list to receive our movement dispatches.
  • take action online (including responding to one of our surveys; registering to participate in certain projects or campaigns; signing or creating a petition; signing an open letter or a pledge; sending a message or “thank you” to others engaged on our mission).
  • volunteer or host an event.
  • provide your name and email address to one of our partner organizations, on the basis that it can be shared with us.
  • RSVP for an event or
  • make a donation.

We also collect data from and about you through:

  • Analytics providers (such as Google Analytics):
  • We are a nonprofit organization that uses Google Analytics to better understand how our website is being used and to improve our services. We have implemented all of the Google Analytics Advertising Features, including remarketing, demographics and interest reporting, and advertising impression reporting.
  • As part of using these features, we may collect certain information about users, such as demographic data and user interests. We use this information to create more targeted advertising campaigns and to improve the user experience on our website.
  • We may also share this information with third-party partners, including Google, for advertising purposes. This includes using Google’s advertising network, which allows us to serve ads to users based on their interests and behavior on our website.
  • Users can opt-out of this data collection and processing by using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (see, or by adjusting their advertising settings in their Google account.
  • We take the privacy and security of our users’ data very seriously and will take all necessary steps to ensure that our use of Google Analytics Advertising Features is compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

How we use your Personal Data

Personal Data

As above, we use the Personal Data provided by you to shape our campaigns, reach out and promote your involvement with our initiatives and generally in the advancement of our shared mission. We also use it to refine your experience and improve the website.

We only use the Personal Data you provide in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy and where the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your Personal Data in the following circumstances:

  • With your consent (e.g. to this Privacy Policy).
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you provide Personal Data for a certain reason, we may use the Personal Data in connection with the reason for which it was provided. For example:

  • to “Join In” via our website/register you as a supporter of CURE Action Fund (where you ask us to email you at key moments when you can make a difference).
  • if you sign up for a campaign or to be involved in an event, we will use your Personal Data to send you updates and other information about the campaign or event, for example:
  • If a local leader starts a campaign or petition that you sign, they may access the Personal Data you have shared and follow up with you about local campaign updates.
  • If you sign, share, or donate, we use your Personal Data to send you information about our work via any channels you’ve consented to (email, phone/SMS and/or social media messaging).
  • to connect you with CURE Action Fund’s online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions. We will contact you at key moments when we feel you can make a difference and which we feel would be of interest to you, for example, to see if you want to get involved in particular campaigns, fundraisers and projects.
  • to deliver relevant content to you and measure your engagement and involvement with CURE Action Fund.
  • to process any donation made by you.
  • to seek to re-engage you with our network.

Since achieving our mission often seeks to put pressure on governments into limiting emissions and so can relate to who controls the government, we may communicate with you with information related to elections or political campaigns.

We may use the personal information of all visitors of the website to:

  • use data analytics to improve our website, relationships with Supporters and your experience of the website.
  • administer the website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data).
  • manage our relationship with you (for example, to answer your queries, notify you about changes to our Privacy Policy).

Internal research and profiling

We carry out research and analysis on visitors to our website and other supporters to determine the success of our approach and campaigns and other activities in the public interest and to help us provide you with a better experience (for example so that you receive communications about areas of our activities or research you are mostly likely to be interested in). We may evaluate, categorize, and profile your Personal Data in order to tailor communications to your needs and your preferences and to help us to understand our network. For example, we may keep track of the amount, frequency, and value of your support, and may use automated systems to target email blasts. This information helps us to ensure communications are relevant, timely and in the best interest of CURE Action Fund’s mission.

Aggregated Personal Data

In an ongoing effort to accomplish our mission and understand website visitors better and judge the effectiveness and growth potential of campaigns, CURE Action Fund may conduct research on its visitor’s demographics and interests based on the Personal Data and other information provided to us. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, and CURE Action Fund may share this aggregate information with its affiliates and allies. CURE Action Fund may also disclose aggregated visitor statistics in order to describe the size, scope, and demographics of its network (for example, to display on campaign websites, announce on social media and provide to media sources). Aggregated Data may be derived from your Personal Data but is not considered Personal Data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your Personal Data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as Personal Data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Non-Personal Data

We use the Non-Personal Data collected to generate statistics and measure website activity in order to improve the quality of our website for our visitors.

Donor Privacy Policy

CURE Action Fund does not rent, share, sell or trade any Personal Data from online or offline donations with any second or third party, nor do we rent, share, sell or trade information about what donations supporters have undertaken on our website with any second or third party.

Legal Basis for processing your Personal Information

Please contact [email protected] if you need details about the specific legal ground, we are relying on to process your Personal Data.

Change of purpose

We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If you wish to get an explanation as to how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact [email protected]. If we need to use your Personal Data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so. Please note that we may process your Personal Data without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.

Fundraising and Communications to promote CURE Action Fund’s work

Occasionally we send out informational and fundraising communications via email. You have the choice as to whether you want to receive or continue to receive these messages. If you have provided CURE Action Fund with your email address, you have “opted-in” to these communications until you indicate that you would like to “opt-out”. See section “How can I unsubscribe?” on this page.

When we share your Personal Data

CURE Action Fund is not interested in selling your Personal Data. We consider this information to be a vital part of our relationship with you. There are, however, certain circumstances in which we may share your Personal Data with certain third parties without further notice to you, as set forth below:

CURE Action Fund volunteers and event hosts

CURE Action Fund volunteers or event hosts may have access to your contact information, including your name, email address, telephone number, and social media account IDs, to reach out to you about a specific campaign or event. They may contact you directly or through CURE Action Fund.

Targets of CURE Action Fund campaigns

For petitions, letters to the editor, and surveys you’ve signed or completed, we may pass on your name, city, state, and comments to the target. Where the target is a government body or official that requires petition signers to be constituents, we may also provide your postal code and full address. We will not otherwise make your street address publicly available, but we may transmit it to campaign targets specifically noted on the action page.

CURE Action Fund Petition creators

When you sign a petition created on CURE Action Fund’s website we provide your name, city, and country to the petition creator so they can deliver it to the campaign target (see above).

Agents, Consultants and Related Third Parties

CURE Action Fund sometimes hires service providers and other companies to perform certain functions. Examples of such functions include mailing information, maintaining databases, cloud computing services, and processing payments. When we employ another company to perform a function of this nature, we take precautions to provide them with the information that they need to perform their specific function. We require all third parties to respect the security of your Personal Data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your Personal Data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your Personal Data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Partner organizations

In order to accomplish our mission, CURE Action Fund sometimes works closely with other non-profit groups. To plan our partnership strategies most effectively, we often want to know how many of our supporters are also supporters of the partner organization.

To find this out, we first send a digital “fingerprint” of your email address to our partner — we don’t send your actual email address, but instead a cryptographic piece of data that the partner organizations can use to find matches to email addresses in their database. If you are not a supporter of our partner organization, or if the email address you use at CURE Action Fund is not the same one that you use with the partner organization, then there will be no match, and the partner organization will not receive any information that they could use to identify you or target you in any way. If your CURE  Action Fund email address matches the email address that you use with the partner organization, we can then count the total number of matches to know how many supporters are members of both organizations. The fingerprint data is deleted after the count has been made. Digital fingerprints are also known as cryptographic hashes.

Payment processors

We work with credit card processors to help process donations and credit card transactions and other payment methods when you donate to CURE Action Fund. These payment processors will store certain Personal Data about you. Please refer to their privacy policies to learn more about how they use your Personal Data.

Legal Requirements

We may disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law to (i) comply with a legal obligation, (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of CURE Action Fund, (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of website visitors or the public, or (iv) protect against legal liability.

How do we keep your Personal Information safe?

CURE Action Fund makes significant efforts to protect the Personal Data provided via the website from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Our website vendors have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered, or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have an organizational need to know. They will only process your Personal Data on our instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

However, no Internet or email transmission is ever fully secure or error free. In particular, email sent to or from the website may not be secure. Therefore, you should take exceptional care in deciding what information you send to us via email.

CURE Action Fund also strives to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive visitor payment information using industry-accepted data collection and encryption methodologies. If you choose to make a donation to CURE Action Fund, your credit card information will be used only for transactions through our secure online payment system. If you choose to make that donation recurring, the information will be stored by our third-party payment processors and is not stored or seen by CURE Action Fund. CURE Action Fund does not sell or otherwise disclose such visitor payment information outside the organization.

In the event of a suspected Personal Data breach, we will notify you and any applicable regulator where we are legally required to do so.

How long will you use my Personal Data?

Both Personal Data and Non-Personal Data collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy may be stored by CURE Action Fund itself or it may be included in databases owned and maintained by our affiliates, agents, or service providers. We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

A large part of our data activities is focused on understanding our engagement efforts and finding out which supporters are the most active and have been active for the longest period of time. This lets us know if we are providing our supporters with timely and engaging opportunities to take meaningful action on the issues they care about. We will take these considerations into account in determining the appropriate retention period, including the use and application of metrics and data tools to consider supporter engagement and to look at the trajectory of engaged supporters over time.

We continually review what information we hold and will delete personal data which is no longer required.

How can I Unsubscribe?

You may opt out of any communications from CURE Action Fund at any time (including unsubscribing from our email list or asking to be excluded from our online campaign promotion lists) via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email we send or by sending an unsubscribe request to [email protected].

How does CURE Action Fund use cookies?

Like most websites, CURE Action Fund may place a “cookie,” or small file, in the browser files of a visitor’s computer. Some cookies are used to pre-populate forms for you so that on repeat visits to the website you don’t need to re-enter certain information. You can set your browser to disable cookies, but then you would not have the advantage of having certain sections of forms being pre-populated for you, and you may not be able to access certain parts of the website.

We may also use third-party services such as Google Analytics. This helps us understand traffic patterns and know if there are problems with our website. We may also use embedded images in emails to track open rates for our mailings, so that we can tell which mailings appeal most to CURE Action Fund supporters.

Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default. However, most browsers let you turn off either all or third-party cookies. What you are able to do depends on which browser you are using. However, please be aware that this may impair or limit your ability to use our website. The option to do this is usually found in the options, settings or preferences menus of your browser or mobile device.

You may opt-out of Google Analytics cookies by visiting Google’s opt-out page –

Updating the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is not of contractual effect. CURE Action Fund may change its Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any significant changes to the rules that govern this site, or the way we use your Personal Data, we will add a prominent notice to this website. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically, and especially before you provide any Personal Data. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated below. Your continued use of the website after any changes are made to this Privacy Policy indicates your agreement with the terms of the changed Privacy Policy.

Terms and Conditions


The Privacy Policy does not apply to any unsolicited information provided to CURE Action Fund through the website or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, information posted to any public areas of the website and any unsolicited submissions. All such information will be treated as public information.

Links to other websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to the website. The website may contain links to other websites, plug-ins and applications not operated or controlled by CURE Action Fund (“Third Party Sites.”) Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow Third Party Sites to collect or share data about you. The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to Third Party Sites. The links from the website do not imply that CURE endorses or has reviewed the Third-Party Sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy policies.

Social Media

Through the website, you can choose to access certain social media websites and services that are owned and controlled by third parties (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) (“Social Media Services.”) When you elect to access and use Social Media Services, you will be sharing your information (which will include your Personal Information if you elect to share such information) with those Social Media Services. As with other Third-Party Sites, the information that you share with the Social Media Services will be governed by the privacy policies and terms of service of the providers of such Social Media Services and not by the policies and procedures we describe here.

We may use your email address and Facebook ID to participate in Facebook’s Custom Audience and Lookalike Audience programs, which enable us to display campaign promotions to both existing and prospective members when they visit.

To do this, we first send a digital “fingerprint” of your email address to Facebook. We don’t send your actual email address, but instead a cryptographic piece of data that Facebook can use to find matches to email addresses in their database. If you are not a Facebook user, or if the email address you use at CURE Action Fund is not one that you use with your Facebook account, then there will be no match, and Facebook will not receive any information that they could use to identify you or target you in any way. If you are a Facebook user and your CURE Action Fund email address matches your Facebook email address, CURE Action Fund campaign promotions may then appear when you access Facebook.

Facebook deletes this information (a) if it does not match with a Facebook account or (b) after they confirm you are a registered account holder. For more detailed information about how Facebook uses digital fingerprints — also known as a cryptographic hash — please see and Facebook’s data policy at

Contact details

If you have any questions about our policies, your Personal Data, or data protection on this website, you can contact us at [email protected].

Updated August 26, 2024

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